User Guide

Quote with Keyword

In order to get a quote with given keyword, simply type the keyword in the box and hit generate button. If the quote with given keyword exists in database then result will be successful. If there is no quote with given keyword then rather showing a 404 error or not found error, randomly chosen “404” quote will be displayed.

Below, there is an example of quote generating quote with keyword.



After generating quote user can rate a quote if the given keyword is related with the generated quote or they can give rating because they like the quote. These rating data will be used later in order to determine whether generated quote is good or not.

Give Feedback

If user want to share opinion about quotes or they want to share what is their thought about that they can share using Give Feedback button. Any type of comments can be send using that button. However in order to send comments users have to log in. Otherwise Give Feedback button will not appear.

Randomly Chosen Quote

If users don’t have any particular keyword, still they can generate quotes. This functionality can be reached from the menu.


API Service

Users who need a service for generating quotes, can be use this service. In order to use this service they have to create an account using the menu link. Afterwards, with the given API key they can generate thier quotes either randomly or with given keyword.

API Usage

Before making a request user has to create credentials. In order to that, Auth menu link should be used. After creating and user account API KEY will be given to user.

Base Link


Add following key-pairs to the Header. Basic Auth requires user to send Username and Password.

For Authorization use Basic Auth

GET /quote/api/v1.0/random

Below request will return randomly generated quote.

GET /quote/api/v1.0/random HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic user-password

GET /quote/api/v1.0/{?keyword}

In order to get quote with keyword, it should be added at the and of URL. In the example below quote with funny will be returned.

GET /quote/api/v1.0/funny?ApiKey=API_KEY_HERE HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic user-password

Error Codes and Meanings

Code Text Description
400 ApiKey Missing or Wrong Api Key is wrong
403 Add ApiKey to header Api Key should be added to Header
403 Unauthorized access Basic Auth is missing in Header